
We believe that core innovation should stand somewhere well above improving customers’ experience with products up to the point of surpassing their expectations and even innovating experiences that did not exist before. Also, it is very important to know that innovation has invisible aspects including:

  • Optimization of whole environmental aspects of a product (resources, manufacturing, distribution and sales and finally end of product life time management/ recycling)
  • Social aspects of product/ business

Every time we start ideating a new product/ solution concept, all these visible and invisible aspects of innovation count.


We would like your mind to talk and tell you "Not seen this before!", once your eyes comes across our products.

  • Our products appear unique and not as usual , whereas they are delicately infused combinations of lines, arcs and geometric shapes that are very familiar to your eyes. Therefore they catch eyes in your decoration as a harmonious element not just meant to be unique.
  • The location/ space in which a product appears is actually one of the most important constituents of its appearance. Whether the item is free standing on the floor, installed on a wall, positioned over a table or installed beneath the ceiling or suspended from it, is main part of its appearance. Our innovative wall hang and suspended planters, once combined with beautiful natural plants, appear on wall and ceiling, the unexpected locations!
  • We conceptualize and ideate planters without saucers, omitting their unwanted and inappropriate appearance, opting for much more innovative product shapes.


Our criteria for selection of material are:

  • Their appearance and touch
  • Recyclability and environmental impact
  • Fitness to product purpose
  • Compatibility with innovative processing demands

Natural wood and aluminum have been our two preferred materials.

Aluminum is our priority among other metals:

  • It is very resistant against rust and corrosion
  • It has high flexibility and formable
  • Aluminum is light, therefore our product assembly weight is considerably low, being convenient for  handling and transportation.

Wood as a decoration staple, with its natural and unique look and touch, is strong and durable and easy to maintain. It resembles creativity, growth and vitality. We use "environmentally friendly" wood, such as those from plantation trees that have already served a useful function


Irrigation systems

Natural plants mainly depend on their roots for nutrition, namely, minerals and water and each plant has its own specific demand for these supplies. Therefore we always explore innovative and functional methods in order to optimize the supply of water and minerals to the roots, while in the meantime, minimize the plant lovers concerns and efforts, bringing them peace of mind. We have eliminated saucers as they are a real source of water spilling headaches, dirt and unpleasant looks.

Based on principle concept of each of our planters, we put one or more of the following irrigation techniques into use:


Reservoir+ Wick

Reservoir+ Pump


Illumination has two functions in our products

Plants' illumination system: Supposing that the space has no natural light source, our plant illumination systems provide enough lighting for even "the most high light demanding plants", while they also enhance the look and decorative value of planter.

Decorative illumination: In products such as UcyL, illumination has the unique decorative function in your space. In products with "plant illumination system", the decorative function is included


Principally modularity is an important corner stone for us, once we start ideating and conceptualizing a product. We believe modularity could arrive us at more innovative products, and in the meantime will result in useful functional advantage in products.

Pots are independent: They can be easily mount/ unmount in order to do plantation and maintenance

Simple transform: Simply adding a wall bracket, UrolL becomes a wall planter

Multiple products: UcyL has been designed based on a modular concept, providing our clients the flexibility of ordering what may suit their taste, product and color wise.